About Us 




            I am Ricky.  Someday I’ll probably be better known as Ricky the great, but for now, I’m just Ricky.  I turned 14 on March 15 this year, and have been 14 ever since, I’m hoping to upgrade to 15 in March 2006, but that’s next year, and this is supposed to be about the year we are just now getting out of. So, what did I do in 2005? Well, I was in lowly eighth grade, Jr. High status, until I graduated, and that also was an important accomplishment. Then I went places over the summer like Lake Don Padro (see that picture on the home page) and we went to the sand dunes by Monterey…and we went to a beach and made a fire and played smear the queer on the beach, and lit one of my socks on fire…

            I got accepted at The Kings Academy (TKA), a Christian, private, college prep school. I went to Woodleaf (a camp that TKA goes to for High School only) and did stuff. Stuff would include a Zip line that zips down from a height that would hurt to fall from, goes over the lake, and then into the lake, where the water stops you from bashing you’re body against the ground, or the pole the zip line is attached to. Stuff also includes a “blob” that can launch you into the air if a fat person jumps onto it, kayaking, swimming, shaving cream wars, “the gauntlet” (an obstacle course where your team runs through while people throw flour and water at you), and of course (as freshmen) being paranoid about big people coming into our cabin to massacre us in our sleep. We actually barricaded the door with a bunk bed so they couldn’t get in…:)

            School is pretty easy, not too easy though. But nothing interesting ever happens there, so all my interesting stories come from vacations. Like having a bunch of people for thanksgiving, that was fun. It was just relatives on my Moms side, but that’s just because they live closest. Except for the Coloradoans, they’re from Colorado. 

            I play drums. I take drum lessons. I just put a door in my drum teachers house in exchange for some lessons. I like my drumset, it’s cool, but I want better cymbals, a new bass drum head, 18” tom, double pedal...not that I’m spoiled or anything, that’s just what I want.

Ya…Christmas should be fun

  View at Don Pedro




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