White Christmas!
(Yes, we have them)

Why did you do a Christmas web site instead of a letter?
We are always trying to slim down our letters each year (well, when we used to do them:0) and this year we thought with a web site, we would have more room to "stretch out" and say/show what we did.
We had very ambitious plans (actually, only Ray did) to put multi-media with pictures, music, flash videos etc. Unfortunately, the tools to do this have not gotten easier over time but quite the opposite. I am very frustrated that several years ago, if you knew how to use powerpoint, you could cobble together a decent web site in a matter of an hour or so. Today, there are tons more that you can do with web sites but the tool that I choose is a
bit difficult and buggy (I'm using Namo WebEditor). I chose it because it was cheap. Maybe I should have stuck with FrontPage. (I can't afford Dreamweaver.)
So, I believe we achieved our objective of being able to provide more content than will easily fit on a single sheet of paper.
Is it more costly to do it this way?
We have not done a detailed analysis but in general, yes it is cheaper.
Will you update the web site during the year?
Like all plans, ours is ambitious and we do intend to put more on this web site. It was important to us to get our own domain name so we could have the flexibility to do what we want on the site. Currently, the site is hosted at a very low cost (free) since we are subscribed to keep the domain name through the service. However, we are limited to only 100MB.
When the time comes and we run out of space, we can just upgrade (for a fee:))
Why is Ray looking again? What happened?
The short answer is that while the company and direction looked like a very good fit for Ray, the reality is that Gemini Mobile is not going in the direction that was indicated at the beginning of the year. Some things changed and some plans that we thought would come to fruition didn't. As a result, Gemini is not a "late stage" startup and needs a different level of management. Therefore, Ray agreed to accept a severance package and is home
to enjoy his family and the holidays!
Are there background Sounds?
Yes, but they are only supported by Internet Explorer. They are only MIDI files so not worth it if you are not using IE. |

Copyright (c) 2005 BarbieriFamily.Net. All rights reserved.
ray@raybarbieri.com |