Nana and Papa's New Friends

It was a great year for Nana and Papa to meet new people. Let's see, there's the friendly and professional nurses at Stanford both in the ER, OR, ICU and Recovery! Also the very nice and friendly nurses at the local El Camino emergency room. In addition there's Loni, Julie and many of their polynesian relations who have been helping Nana and Papa in this physically challenging year.

Nana started the year "tired". This moved on to chest pain followed by open heart surgery. So, a couple free rides to the hostpital in the ambulance and a stress echo cardiogram showed that Nana had several blockages. They tried to ream them out but, in the end, she had to have a double bypass.

Nana's recovery in the ICU was punctuated by rats climbing the walls, nurses who were keeping her imprisoned and a short stay in a cardboard room. We're pretty sure it was the drugs. Then there was the slight mixup at rehab, another free ride back to Stanford and some more joy at seeing old friends. Finally, the rehab took and she came home.

nanaThere were a few months of recovery at home and while Nana is not as strong as she was last year, she's doing well. Then, as if the year was not exciting enough already, they decided to relandscape the backyard by taking the pool out. Actually, this was stimulated by the fact that Nana needed to walk and it was awkward navigatting around the pool. A friend who's daughter went to school with Ricky, Bruce Hamilton, did the job and it was a joy working with him.The backyard looks great and you should check out the pictures.

Travis has been living at the house all year and has been absolutly indispensible. He was Papa's personal valet, shopper, cook and companion during the time that Nana was not around. Even when Nana has been around he's there to help out when needed, go shopping and do odd jobs that need doing.

Now that Rick and Debbie have moved into the area and Janet has moved closer (Ok, only 2 hours but it's directionally correct), we see much more of the family and Rick and Debbie have been around to help out as needed. For a short while, Nana considered moving to assisted living but now they are looking at just continuing with in-house help.

Papa has been to the hospital a couple times due to bladder infection. He uses the wheel chair all the time except when he goes to the bathroom - then he walks. Papa's attiude has been great. He's been cheerful most of the time and grateful for the family he has.

Nana is greatful for the blessings the Lord has given her. Just yesterday, she felt better than she's felt in a long time. Thank God for the family he's given her and the amazing healthcare we have in this country.

God Bless you and have a Merry Christmas and a blessed new year!