Welcome to our Christmas Web

The astute web browser will notice that we skipped 2010 entirely. We resolved to not let that happen again so here is this year's. Last year was a good year and I'm sure if I try, I could remember something to say about it. But given what happened last time I tried to update the website, I'll just go with this year now and, maybe later, if I get a chance, I'll go back and do last year too. Don't hold your breath tho.
For Ray, Lynda, Travis and Alex, this year has been a lot about taking care of Nana and Papa. At the start of the year, Nana started having chest pains. Long story short, Ray got to ride in the Ambulance 3 times, got to know an ER nurse who "commutes" from some other state (Texas maybe). I'll let Nana tell you about her year on her page. Papa has also had the joy of going to the hospital but his ride was the Lexus and the hospital was the El Camino branch in Los Gatos. That was the first half of this year. By mid-year, things had settled down and Ray and Lynda could spend days away from Nana's house.
We celebrated our 23rd anniversary by traveling to beautiful downtown San Jose. We stayed at the Fairmont - can't go wrong there - we shopped in Santana row (ok not strictly downtown but still fun)- we ate a Il Fornio's - yum - and generally acted like tourists exploring the city. Got stopped by the police though. Yes, it was Greg. Alex dropped us off at the beginning of our adventure and Ricky picked us up from the light rail station in Campbell at the end. We loved it - we're thinking of doing Palo Alto next year.
We had a very nice Thanksgiving with all Lynda's Family along with a visit from Ray's sister Audrey with her husband Terry and their youngest - Sean.
We enjoyed our annual pilrimmage to the Beach Boardwalk. This year's concert was by the Average White Band - but the highlight was Ken's stunning performance of AWB's Pick Up the Pieces! WOW - what a performance!
Other highlights include wine making, blending and bottling. This hobby requires a surprising number of opportunities to taste wine and nibble on cheese and crackers with our winemaking partners. We haven't turned out any award-winning vintages yet, but this year's Merlot is promising.

Another fun addition this year is an arbor between the two sheds in the back yard. Ricky and Ray built it for me - actually, Ricky did most of the work and Ray mostly consulted on construction practices.
Looks pretty idyllic, doesn't it?
All 3 boys have been a blessing to us this year - But we'll let them tell their own stories. Check out the "Boys" page to see what they've been up to.