Prior Years













Thanks for visiting our site. God Bless you.

To those who have waited, thank you for your patience. Every year, for all of us, is very busy. I know I say this every year so why disappoint! I am coming to the realisation that I'm one of those people who will doggedly persist on this web-based technology despite the obvious proof that it would be WAY easier, faster and less frustrating for everyone if we just put a letter in an envelope and sent it via email. Course, the cost would be a bit more....

We do not regret that our pages are pretty lame this year. As usual, we had some writer's block along with technical difficulties. Oh, and I guess Ray could have been a little distracted. Really, it's a matter of priority and since no one will be reading this, I guess I'll fess up. Making money and enjoying my family are higher priroty. There, I said it. It's in writting. Damn. Wonder if that was smart? Too late, Google's already cached the page..

May you find peace and joy in Him today.

RayB 12/17/2011